250 Los Angeles Instagram Captions & Quotes

Los Angeles Captions And Quotes

Need a great caption or quote for your Los Angeles photos for Instagram?

We’ve put together some cool LA quotes and captions for your IG.

Los Angeles Quotes

  1. “Breathing dreams like air.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
  2. “Tip the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles.” — Frank Lloyd Wright
  3. “Los Angeles is 72 suburbs in search of a city.” — Dorothy Parker
  4. “In Los Angeles, everyone is a star.” — Denzel Washington
  5. “Los Angeles is like a beauty parlor at the end of the universe.” — Emily Mortimer
  6. “Los Angeles is a microcosm of the United States. If L.A. falls, the country falls.” — Ice T
  7. “Isn’t it nice that people who prefer Los Angeles to San Francisco live there?”― Herb Caen
  8. “I love Los Angeles. It reinvents itself every two days.” — Billy Connolly
  9. “Los Angeles makes the rest of California seem authentic.” — Jonathan Culler
  10. “People here have become the people they’re pretending to be.” ― Sam Shepard, Motel Chronicles
  11. “In Los Angeles, people dress with the deep and earnest hope that people will do nothing but stare at them.” – Ellie Kemper
  1. “Los Angeles is just New York lying down.” — Quentin Crisp
  2. “Los Angeles is a very transient town. It’s the only place I know where you can actually rent a dog.” — Rita Rudner
  3. “Los Angeles gives one the feeling of the future more strongly than any city I know of. A bad future, too, like something out of Fritz Lang’s feeble imagination.” – Henry Miller
  4. “The city burning is Los Angeles’s deepest image of itself.” – Joan Didion
  5. “All life is inherently dangerous. But beyond that, Los Angeles is just a wonderful place to be.” – John Gregory Dunne
  6. “You can have a laugh in Los Angeles, or you can weep in Los Angeles, depending on your attitude towards it.” – Miranda Richardson
  7. “Los Angeles is a large city-like area surrounding the Beverly Hills Hotel.” — Fran Lebowitz
  8. “In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally.” — W. Somerset Maugham
  9. “Los Angeles, I don’t like that town. Too decadent, and it’s slimy.” ― Layne Staley
  10. “I do love America. And LA is a very short commute to America; it’s like half an hour on the plane.” — Craig Ferguson
  11. “In Los Angeles, one laughs to survive, enjoys oneself not to enhance life but in order to live at all. That society is so vaporous and tenuous that the only alternative to a spiral of loneliness and fear is a self-contained, steady, pleasurably focused attitude. The L.A. cogito: I laugh, therefore I am.” — Peter Schjeldahl
  12. “A tuna steak and a salad? Seventy bucks. Welcome to Los Angeles.” — Mark Zupan
  13. “I can’t do Los Angeles. I’ve always been the anti-Barbie. I don’t want to be in a place where almost every woman walks around with puffy lips, little noses and breasts large enough to nourish a small country.” — Vera Farmiga
  14. “I read the Life magazine articles about free love and free dope in California. At age 20 I drove to Los Angeles.” — Glenn Frey
  15. “I don’t like Los Angeles. The people are awful and terribly shallow, and everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to play the game. I’m from New York. I will kill to get what I need.” — Lady Gaga

Los Angeles Quotes from Songs

  1. “City of stars, are you shining just for me?” — “City of Stars” from La La Land
  2. “To live and die in L.A., it’s the place to be.” — Tupac Shakur, “To Live and Die in L.A.”
  3. “California knows how to party, in the city of L.A.” — Tupac Shakur, “California Love.”
  4. “I want to live like animals, careless and free, like animals.” — Savage Garden, “The Animal Song”
  5. “L.A. woman, you’re my woman.” — The Doors, “L.A. Woman”
  6. “I don’t ever want to feel like I did that day. Take me to the place I love, take me all the way” — Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Under the Bridge”
  7. “On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair / Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air” — Eagles, “Hotel California “
  8. “Beverly Hills, that’s where I want to be (Gimme gimme, gimme gimme) Livin’ in Beverly Hills” — Weezer, “Beverly Hills”
  9. “From the South Bay to the Valley, from the West Side to the East Side, everybody’s very happy, ’cause the sun is shining all the time.” — Randy Newman, “I Love L.A.”
  10. “All my friends are married, every Tom and Dick and Harry. You must be strong if you’re to go it alone.” — Tom Waits, “Better Off Without A Wife”
  11. “She had to leave Los Angeles.” — X, “Los Angeles”
  12. “Welcome to the jungle, we’ve got fun and games. We got everything you want, honey, we know the names” — Guns N’ Roses, “Welcome to the Jungle”
  13. “All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey. I’ve been for a walk on a winter’s day” — The Mamas and The Papas, “California Dreamin'”
  14. “All the vampires, walking through the valley, move west down Ventura Boulevard.” — Tom Petty, “Free Fallin'”
  15. “When the hills of Los Angeles are burning, palm trees are candles in the murder wind.” — Bad Religion, “Los Angeles is Burning”
  16. “California, rest in peace. Simultaneous release California, show your teeth” — Dani California, “Red Hot Chili Peppers”
  17. “L.A.’s fine, the sun shines most the time, and the feeling is laid back.” — Neil Diamond, “I Am… I Said”

Los Angeles Puns

  1. Why did the palm tree go to Hollywood? It wanted to branch out into acting!
  2. Why do LA chefs always look so calm? They know how to keep their cool in the kitchen!
  3. How do LA influencers keep their followers? They always filter out the drama!
  4. Why did the beach umbrella start a podcast? It had a lot of shady stories to share!
  5. What do LA fitness instructors and directors have in common? They both know how to get a great shot!
  6. Why did the taco stand in LA get famous? It had all the right fillings!
  7. What’s an LA musician’s favorite workout? Jamming at the gym!
  8. Why did the LA writer always feel at home? Because it’s a city of endless plots!
  9. What’s the most popular dance move in LA? The traffic jam shuffle!
  10. Why did the grape move to LA? It wanted to become a raisin star!
  11. How do you spot a fashionista in LA? They’re always in the trend zone!
  12. Why did the surfboard start a blog? To wave about its adventures!
  13. Why are LA comedians always successful? They know how to roll with the laughs!
  14. What’s the secret to finding parking in LA? A lot of luck and parallel skills!
  15. Why did the ice cream truck love LA summers? It always had a sweet spot!
  16. What do you call a smart garden in LA? A pla-net worth knowing!
  17. Why are LA sunsets so inspiring? They’re always a picture-perfect end to the day!
  18. How do LA artists deal with criticism? They brush it off!
  19. Why did the dolphin move to Malibu? It wanted to be close to the fin-est beaches!
  20. What do you call a day without traffic in Los Angeles? A myth!

Los Angeles Sayings

  1. In LA, everyone is an actor.
  2. The city of angels.
  3. LA: Where dreams come true.
  4. Living the Hollywood dream.
  5. Welcome to sunny California.
  6. Los Angeles, the city of stars.
  7. In LA, the sunsets are golden.
  8. Los Angeles: Where everyone has a screenplay.
  9. Hollywood is where the magic happens.
  10. Life is better in flip-flops.
  11. LA: The land of opportunity.
  12. Los Angeles, where it’s always summer.
  13. The city that never gets cold.
  14. In LA, the traffic is the worst, but the weather is the best.
  15. Los Angeles: Where you can be whoever you want to be.
  16. Life is too short to live anywhere else.
  17. In LA, you’re always 20 minutes from everything.
  18. Los Angeles is the city where people come to reinvent themselves.
  19. In LA, every day is a beach day.
  20. Los Angeles: The land of the laid-back lifestyle.

Hollywood Captions

  1. Lights, camera, but wait… where’s my coffee?
  2. When life feels like a movie, remember you’re the director.
  3. Trying to figure out if I’m the hero or the villain in this Hollywood script.
  4. Hollywood: where dreams come true and parking is a nightmare.
  5. My life’s a movie, but the script is still being written.
  6. Caught between a rock and a star-studded place.
  7. Channeling my inner diva… and my outer drama queen.
  8. Walking the red carpet… in my living room.
  9. Living for the applause and the popcorn.
  10. Hollywood glow, one selfie at a time.
Cars Parked on the Side of the Road

Hollywood Sign Captions

  1. Where stars are born and dreams are made.
  2. Catching the stars, one letter at a time – welcome to the heart of the film industry.
  3. Caught beneath the glitz and the glam of the Hollywood sign.
  4. Hollywood: Where dreams and traffic come true. The ultimate symbol of ambition.
  5. Just hanging out with some iconic letters that launched a thousand dreams.
  6. Sign language: Hollywood edition. Speaking the universal language of fame.
  7. From silver screens to green hills, the Hollywood sign stands tall through it all.
  8. Just another day under the iconic Hollywood sign.
  9. Dreaming big under the shadow of the Hollywood sign.
  10. A sign of the times: living the Hollywood dream, one iconic letter at a time.
  11. Plot twist: The Hollywood sign photobombed me. Now that’s a blockbuster moment.
  12. Living that ‘lights, camera, action’ life under the most iconic landmark.
  13. Hollywood: Where every picture tells a story.
  14. Chasing dreams, one letter at a time.
  15. When in doubt, add a bit of Hollywood sparkle and California dreaming.
  16. Fame is just a sign away – welcome to the land of endless possibilities and resilience.
  17. Beneath the sign, above the rest.
  18. Finding peace under the iconic H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D.
  19. Just another sunny day in the shadow of the Hollywood sign.
  20. Nature’s beauty meets legendary letters.

Hollywood Quotes for Instagram

  1. “You can’t find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well.” – Carrie Fisher
  2. “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” – Clark Gable
  3. “In Hollywood a girl’s virtue is much less important than her hairdo. You’re judged by how you look, not by what you are. Hollywood’s a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty.” – Marilyn Monroe
  4. “Hollywood is a place that attracts people with massive holes in their souls.” – Julia Phillips
  5. “They don’t want you until you have made a name, and by the time you have made a name, you have developed some kind of talent they can’t use. All they will do is spoil it, if you let them.” – Raymond Chandler
  6. “Some are able and humane men and some are low-grade individuals with the morals of a goat, the artistic integrity of a slot machine, and the manners of a floorwalker with delusions of grandeur.” – Raymond Chandler
  7. “I can’t talk about Hollywood. It was a horror to me when I was there and it’s a horror to look back on. I can’t imagine how I did it. When I got away from it I couldn’t even refer to the place by name. ”Out there,” I called it.” – Dorothy Parker
  8. “If it’s a good script I’ll do it. And if it’s a bad script, and they pay me enough, I’ll do it.” – George Burns
  9. “Hollywood is like being nowhere and talking to nobody about nothing.” – Michelangelo Antonioni
  10. “Hollywood is a place where people from Iowa mistake each other for stars.” – Fred Allen
  11. “I don’t champion the idea of being in a Hollywood movie. I never had fun in one of them.” – Armand Assante
  12. “Corporate Hollywood thinks I’m a geek to go back and do theater. They don’t understand why I don’t want to be a movie star, why I’m not pursuing Mel Gibson’s roles.” – William Petersen
  13. “Hollywood people want to build you up and make you famous only to knock you off you’re the pedestal they built for you.” – Morgan Brittany
  14. “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse.” – Mario Puzo
  15. “That’s one thing I like about Hollywood. The writer is there revealed in his ultimate corruption. He asks no praise, because his praise comes to him in the form of a salary check. In Hollywood the average writer is not young, not honest, not brave, and a bit overdressed. But he is darn good company, which book writers as a rule are not. He is better than what he writes. Most book writers are not as good.” – Raymond Chandler
  16. “Hollywood is loneliness beside the swimming pool.” – Liv Ullmann
  17. “Writers never get a very good deal in Hollywood.” – Richard O’Brien
  18. “Hollywood money isn’t money. It’s congealed snow, melts in your hand, and there you are.” – Dorothy Parker

Universal Studios IG Captions

  1. Universal Studios: Where my inner movie star gets its moment!
  2. Living life one blockbuster at a time at Universal Studios!
  3. Just another day playing lead in my own action movie.
  4. Roll out the red carpet, I’m here at Universal Studios!
  5. Directing my own adventure and loving every second.
  6. Stunt double? Nah, I do my own tricks at Universal Studios!
  7. Came for the thrills, stayed for the behind-the-scenes secrets.
  8. Channeling my inner wizard and dinosaur wrangler today!
  9. Ready for my close-up at Universal Studios!
  10. Today’s role: Hero of the day at Universal Studios.
  11. Epic movie scenes? More like epic Instagram scenes!
  12. Universal Studios: The sequel you never knew you needed.
  13. Getting my blockbuster fix, one ride at a time.
  14. Caught between Hogwarts and Hollywood – and loving it!
  15. Plot twist: Universal Studios stole the show.
  16. Popcorn and roller coasters – my kind of double feature.
  17. Movie magic IRL: Living the dream at Universal Studios.
  18. Scenes so real, you’ll think you’re in the movie.
  19. Special effects on and off the screen at Universal Studios.
  20. Who needs CGI when you have Universal Studios?

Beverly Hills Captions and Quotes

  1. Just another day trying to decide between Gucci and Prada. The struggle is real in Beverly Hills. 👜😅 #FirstWorldProblems
  2. I came, I saw, I got priced out. Beverly Hills, you win again! 💸🙈 #WalletCried
  3. Counting palm trees and missed opportunities to buy a mansion. Beverly Hills, you tease. 🌴😆 #DreamOn
  4. If I had a dollar for every luxury car I saw, I might afford a parking spot here. 🚗💵 #LivingTheDream
  5. Living vicariously through my credit card statements. Thanks, Beverly Hills! 🛍️😂 #RetailRegret
  6. Just your average Tuesday: brunch with friends, shopping on Rodeo, and realizing my net worth needs some serious work. 🥂🛒😬 #Goals
  7. Spotted 10 celebs today. Oh wait, no, that was just my reflection in all the shiny storefronts. 💎🙃 #AlmostFamous
  8. Who needs savings when you have Rodeo Drive? Oh, wait… I do. 🤑💳 #ShoppingSpree
  9. Beverly Hills: where even the air smells expensive. Just can’t afford to breathe too deeply. 🍃💰 #LuxuryProblems
  10. Window shopping on Rodeo Drive: the ultimate lesson in ‘look but don’t touch.’ 🛍️😏 #LivingVicariously
  11. “This stammer got me a home in Beverly Hills, and I’m not about to screw with it now.” – Bob Newhart
  12. “Manhattan is like Beverly Hills. And the soul of New York has moved to Brooklyn, where everything new and exciting seems to be.” – Alec Baldwin
  13. “In Beverly Hills, the faster you climb, the harder you fall.” – Brandi Glanville
  14. “It would be pretty funny to see a Beverly Hills white girl with mad rap skills.” – Tori Spelling
  15. “I took my daily swim at the Beverly Hills Hotel pool despite the presence of onlookers.” – Esther Williams
A Crowd Of Walking On The Walkway Of A Park

Venice Beach Captions and Quotes

  1. Catching waves and rays at Venice Beach, life’s a beach! 🌊😎
  2. Venice vibes: skates, surf, and sunsets for days. 🛹🌞
  3. Muscle Beach: where the gains meet the waves. 💪🌊
  4. Street performers and murals – Venice Beach is pure magic. 🎤🎨
  5. Boardwalk adventures with the best views and even better people. 🚶‍♀️🌴
  6. Art everywhere you look. Venice Beach, you’re a masterpiece. 🎨✨
  7. Boho dreams and ocean breezes – my Venice Beach life. 🏝️❤️
  8. Venice canals: a little slice of serenity in the city. 🌊🛶
  9. Yoga on the beach? Yes, please! Namaste, Venice. 🧘‍♀️☀️
  10. Healthy eats and sunshine treats. Venice Beach living. 🍏🌞
  11. Every sunset here feels like a painting come to life. 🌅✨
  12. Street art and sandy toes – Venice Beach, you’re my kind of place. 🎨👣
  13. From skating to surfing, Venice Beach never gets old. 🛹🏄‍♀️
  14. Flexing on the sand at Muscle Beach, because why not? 💪🏖️
  15. Sunset chaser in Venice Beach, every night’s a show. 🌅🎬
  16. Exploring Venice’s canals – it’s like a mini adventure. 🌊🛶
  17. Good vibes, great waves, and even better company at Venice Beach. 🌊✨
  18. Boardwalk strolls with a side of sunshine and sea breeze. 🚶‍♀️☀️
  19. Living for the murals and the magic moments in Venice. 🎨🌴
  20. From Muscle Beach to mellow evenings, Venice has it all. 💪🌆
  1. “I loved going surfing down on Venice Beach. I’d go out with a board under my arm and think, ‘I can’t do that in Cranhill.'” – Billy Boyd
  2. “I don’t want to be in my car all day. I love getting up in the morning in Venice and walking my dogs down to the café to get my tea, and then perhaps going to a bookstore and sitting and reading, then walking to the beach.” – Jessica Chastain
  3. “Venice Beach: proof of the biological impossibility of imagining a person being simultaneously good-looking and poor.” – Douglas Coupland
  4. “Three to four times a week, I get up at 7:30 A.M. while the courts are empty at Venice Beach and play full court one-on-one.” – Missy Peregrym
  5. “I used to be a street performer, and performances on Venice Beach, it’s like playing the Apollo: They let you know if they don’t like you!” – Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa
  6. “The situation in the film is like me going out to Venice Beach and talking to a homeless guy on the boardwalk, and 13 years later he’s the president.” – John Cusack
  7. “For me, the idea of being a successful actor is hanging out with my dogs and my boy, down in Venice beach, and going, ‘I don’t have to audition today. I’ve got a little respite here.'” – Robert Knepper
Palm Trees Along the Rodeo Drive

Rodeo Drive Captions and Quotes

  1. Rodeo Drive – where even window shopping feels like a luxury vacation. 🛍️🌟 #TooGlamToCare”
  2. Just another casual day pretending I can afford everything on Rodeo Drive. 💸✨ #ChampagneDreams”
  3. Rodeo Drive is the only place where my credit card feels inadequate. 🛍️😅 #HighEndHopes”
  4. Feeling fancy just by breathing the air on Rodeo Drive. 💎💨 #LuxuryOverload”
  5. Rodeo Drive, where ‘affordable’ means ‘on sale for $1,000.’ 💸😆 #GlamourGoals”
  6. Shopping on Rodeo Drive: Because my wallet didn’t need all that cash anyway. 💳✨ #ExcessiveElegance”
  7. Rodeo Drive is making me feel underdressed since forever. 👗😅 #TooGlamorous”
  8. Taking a stroll down Rodeo Drive – you know, just to see how the other half lives. 🛍️😜 #LuxuryLaughs”
  9. When you need a reminder that your wardrobe is lacking – just visit Rodeo Drive. 💃💎 #GlamorouslyOverwhelmed
  10. Rodeo Drive – where I go to feel fabulously poor. 💸💁‍♀️ #LuxuryOnALeash
  11. Rodeo Drive: Because why not be reminded of your financial inadequacies in style? 💎😆 #LuxuryLiving”
  12. Rodeo Drive: Perfect for when you want to feel fabulously out of place. 💁‍♀️✨ #TooMuchGlam
  13. Just another day making my wallet cry on Rodeo Drive. 💳😜 #ExcessiveLuxury
  14. Rodeo Drive is where window shopping is a high-stakes adventure. 🛍️💎 #GlamorousDreams
  15. Rodeo Drive: Making me reconsider my life choices one designer store at a time. 🛍️😅 #GlamOverload
  16. “A perfect ride. I fell a bit behind on the slow pace, but everything’s good. It’s real good. Yes, he ran the race we wanted him to run.” – Elvis Trujillo
  17. “I was street smart, but unfortunately the street was Rodeo Drive.” – Carrie Fisher
  18. “Rodeo Drive is a giant butterscotch sundae.” – Andy Warhol
  19. “You know it’s important to have a Jeep in Los Angeles. That front wheel drive is crucial when it starts to snow on Rodeo Drive.” – Christopher Guest

Santa Monica Captions and Quotes

  1. Feeling on top of the world riding the Ferris wheel at Santa Monica Pier. Can’t beat these views! 🎡🌅 #SantaMonica
  2. Lazy beach days and salty hair at Santa Monica Beach. Pure bliss! 🌊🌞 #BeachLife
  3. The sound of the Pacific waves is my favorite soundtrack. Santa Monica, you have my heart. 🌊❤️ #OceanVibes
  4. Caught the most breathtaking sunset at the pier today. Moments like these are why I love Santa Monica. 🌅 #SunsetMagic
  5. Spent the afternoon exploring Third Street Promenade. Shopping, music, and good vibes all around! 🛍️🎶 #ShopAndStroll
  6. Starting my day with a run along the beach. Santa Monica’s healthy lifestyle is contagious! 🏃‍♀️🌴 #FitLife
  7. Biked along the coast on the Marvin Braude Bike Trail. Feeling free and loving the ocean breeze. 🚴‍♂️🌊 #BikeLife
  8. Playing tourist and loving every minute. Santa Monica never disappoints! 🌴📸 #TouristLife
  9. Discovered some amazing art today. Santa Monica’s creative spirit is truly inspiring. 🎨✨ #ArtCulture
  10. The energy at the pier is electric! Street performers bringing Santa Monica to life. 🎤🌊 #LiveEntertainment
  11. Stumbled upon the historic Looff Hippodrome today. A perfect blend of history and fun. 🎠🌴 #HistoricLandmark
  12. Tasted my way through Santa Monica’s diverse food scene. So many delicious memories! 🍴🌎 #FoodieHeaven
  13. Just had a casual run-in with a celebrity. Only in Santa Monica! 🌟👀 #CelebSpotting
  14. Soaking up the endless sunshine. Santa Monica, you’re always good for the soul. ☀️🌴 #YearRoundSun
  15. Spent the morning at the farmers market. Fresh produce and friendly faces everywhere. 🍓🌿 #LocalLove
  1. “I think the true test of a pop song, for me, and I’ve talked to a lot of other writers about this, is you take your demo, you pop it in your car and you drive down Sunset Blvd. to Santa Monica, and that’s the Hollywood car test.” – Ryan Tedder
  2. “Famously sunny Los Angeles has long been known as the homeless capital of America, from beachy communities like Santa Monica and Venice to Skid Row downtown.” – John Carlos Frey
  3. “There are a few YouTube clips of me singing at The King’s Head in Santa Monica, so you can see how bad I am.” – Vinnie Jones
  4. “I went to the surplus store on Santa Monica and Vine (in Los Angeles) and went and got me a Navy outfit, put the black tape under my eyes. I got me a whistle and went in there with a hat looking like a full-on drill sergeant.” – Tyrese Gibson
  5. “I usually like to throw on some flip flops and go to a really nice lunch in Venice, or Santa Monica, or stay in and cook dinner.” – Ben Savage
  6. “If the Pilgrims had landed in Santa Monica Bay rather than Boston, we’d have six states out here!” – Kevin Starr

West Coast Captions for Instagram

  1. West Coast sunsets are pure magic. 🌅✨
  2. Living that West Coast life. 🌴☀️
  3. Golden hour is best on the West Coast. 🌅🌟
  4. Endless summer vibes on the West Coast. ☀️🌴
  5. Packed for sunny California, ended up needing an umbrella in San Francisco. So much for those beach vibes!
  6. West Coast wonders and coastal wanderlust. 🌊✨
  7. Exploring the best coast – the West Coast. 🌴🏔️
  8. Every day is a beach day on the West Coast. 🌊🏖️
  9. Trying to act like I don’t live for West Coast sunsets. 🌅😏
  10. Oh look, another perfect day on the West Coast. Shocking. ☀️🙄
  11. Just another terrible day in paradise. 🌴🤷‍♀️
  12. Pretending the Pacific Ocean isn’t the best ocean. 🌊😉
  13. Yet another boringly beautiful West Coast sunset. 🌅😆
  14. Dealing with the West Coast lifestyle, one perfect beach day at a time. 🏖️😜
  15. More palm trees? Ugh, the struggle is real. 🌴🙃
  16. Why yes, I do wake up to this view every day. 🌊💁‍♀️
  17. Another day, another beach. Yawn. 🏖️😏

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