165+ Nature Trivia Questions And Answers

Nature Trivia

Ready to add another layer of excitement to your trivia nights or road trips?

Dive into the wonders of nature with our carefully curated list of trivia questions.

Nature Trivia for Kids

  1. Which tall animal can see over almost anything? Answer: Giraffe
  2. What bird is known for its bright feathers and fancy dances? Answer: Peacock
  3. Who’s the biggest mammal in the ocean? Answer: Blue Whale
  4. Which insect is known for making honey? Answer: Bee
  5. Which bird holds the record for fastest dive? Answer: Peregrine Falcon
  6. Which animal carries its babies in a pouch? Answer: Kangaroo
  7. What bear mainly eats bamboo? Answer: Panda
  8. What is the smallest bird in the world? Answer: Hummingbird
  9. Which animal can change its color to blend in with its surroundings? Answer: Chameleon
  10. What large lizard is found in Indonesia? Answer: Komodo dragon
  11. Which bird is famous for imitating human speech? Answer: Parrot
  12. What is the main food source for a Koala? Answer: Eucalyptus Leaves
  13. Which fish has bright colors and lives among sea anemones? Answer: Clownfish
  14. What is the tallest mountain in the world? Answer: Mount Everest
  15. What kind of animal is Shrek’s best friend in the movie “Shrek”? Answer: Donkey

Science and Nature Trivia

  1. What process do plants use to make food from sunlight? Answer: Photosynthesis
  2. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth? Answer: Diamond
  3. Which gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere during photosynthesis? Answer: Carbon Dioxide
  4. What is the largest type of deer? Answer: Moose
  5. How many layers are there in Earth’s atmosphere? Answer: Five (Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere)
  6. What planet is known as the Red Planet? Answer: Mars
  7. Which organ in the human body is primarily responsible for filtering blood? Answer: Kidney
  8. What is the boiling point of water in degrees Celsius? Answer: 100 degrees Celsius
  9. What element is represented by the symbol ‘O’ on the periodic table? Answer: Oxygen
  10. What is the largest internal organ in the human body? Answer: Liver
  11. What is the most common element in the universe? Answer: Hydrogen
  12. Which part of the plant conducts photosynthesis? Answer: Leaf
  13. What is the main gas found in the air we breathe? Answer: Nitrogen
  14. Which planet has the most moons? Answer: Jupiter
  15. What is the chemical symbol for gold? Answer: Au
  16. What natural force keeps us grounded on Earth? Answer: Gravity
  17. Which planet is known for its rings? Answer: Saturn
  18. What is the freezing point of water in degrees Fahrenheit? Answer: 32 degrees Fahrenheit
  19. What gas do humans exhale? Answer: Carbon Dioxide
  20. What is the largest planet in our solar system? Answer: Jupiter


  1. What plant is known as the “lungs of the Earth”? Answer: Rainforest Trees
  2. Which flower is known for always facing the sun? Answer: Sunflower
  3. What type of plant is a cactus? Answer: Succulent
  4. Which tree has needle-like leaves and pine cones? Answer: Pine Tree
  5. What fruit grows on a vine and is used to make wine? Answer: Grapes
  6. What plant is bamboo classified as? Answer: Grass
  7. What type of tree produces maple syrup? Answer: Maple Tree
  8. Which flower is often given as a symbol of love? Answer: Rose
  9. What plant has stinging hairs that cause a rash? Answer: Nettle
  10. What is the tallest type of tree? Answer: Redwood
  11. Which plant traps and digests insects? Answer: Venus Flytrap
  12. What plant is often used to soothe sunburns? Answer: Aloe Vera
  13. Which tree has distinctive peeling bark? Answer: Birch
  14. What spice is made from the inner bark of a tree? Answer: Cinnamon
  15. Which plant’s seeds are used to make coffee? Answer: Coffee Plant
  16. What is the national flower of Japan? Answer: Cherry Blossom
  17. Which plant produces latex, used to make rubber? Answer: Rubber Tree
  18. What tree produces conkers? Answer: Horse Chestnut
  19. What flower is often used in leis for its fragrance and beauty? Answer: Plumeria
  20. What fruit comes from a palm tree and has a hard shell? Answer: Coconut

Easy Nature Trivia

  1. What is the largest land animal? Answer: African Elephant
  2. Which bird is often associated with delivering babies in folklore? Answer: Stork
  3. What process turns water vapor into liquid water? Answer: Condensation
  4. What type of fish is Nemo from the movie “Finding Nemo”? Answer: Clownfish
  5. Which tree produces acorns? Answer: Oak Tree
  6. What is the smallest ocean in the world? Answer: Arctic Ocean
  7. Which planet is closest to the sun? Answer: Mercury
  8. What is the main gas found in the air we breathe? Answer: Nitrogen
  9. Which organ in the human body pumps blood? Answer: Heart
  10. What is the most common type of tree in the world? Answer: Pine Tree
  11. What is the fastest land animal? Answer: Cheetah
  12. Which flower is known for its strong fragrance and is often used in perfumes? Answer: Jasmine
  13. What type of rock can float on water? Answer: Pumice
  14. Which animal is the symbol of the United States? Answer: Bald Eagle
  15. What is the primary component of the Earth’s core? Answer: Iron
  16. What is the largest fish in the ocean? Answer: Whale Shark

Animal Trivia

  1. What is the fastest land animal? Answer: Cheetah
  2. Which bird is a symbol of peace? Answer: Dove
  3. What is a group of lions called? Answer: Pride
  4. How many arms does a starfish have? Answer: Five
  5. What is the only mammal capable of true flight? Answer: Bat
  6. Which animal can regenerate lost body parts? Answer: Salamander
  7. What is the largest species of penguin? Answer: Emperor Penguin
  8. What animal is the largest living primate? Answer: Gorilla
  9. Which bird is known for its impressive dance to attract mates? Answer: Bird of Paradise
  10. What is the smallest mammal in the world? Answer: Bumblebee Bat
  11. Which animal has the longest lifespan? Answer: Greenland Shark
  12. What is the largest species of turtle? Answer: Leatherback Turtle
  13. Which bird is known for its mimicry, often imitating chainsaws and car alarms? Answer: Lyrebird
  14. What animal has the highest blood pressure? Answer: Giraffe
  15. Which mammal builds large nests called dreys? Answer: Squirrel
  16. What type of animal is a natterjack? Answer: Toad
  17. What is the name of the hybrid between a male lion and a female tiger? Answer: Liger

Ocean Animals

  1. What is the largest species of shark? Answer: Whale Shark
  2. Which ocean animal is known for its eight arms and intelligence? Answer: Octopus
  3. What is the fastest fish in the ocean? Answer: Sailfish
  4. What is a baby whale called? Answer: Calf
  5. Which marine creature has a hard shell and moves slowly on the ocean floor? Answer: Sea Turtle
  6. What fish can inflate itself as a defense mechanism? Answer: Pufferfish
  7. Which ocean mammal is known for its complex songs? Answer: Humpback Whale
  8. What is the largest species of ray? Answer: Manta Ray
  9. Which marine animal can change its color to blend in with its surroundings? Answer: Cuttlefish
  10. What is the name of the deepest part of the world’s oceans? Answer: Mariana Trench
  11. Which ocean animal migrates over 12,000 miles? Answer: Humpback Whale
  12. What is the primary diet of the sea otter? Answer: Sea Urchins, Crabs, and other marine invertebrates
  13. Which fish is known for its bioluminescent lure to attract prey? Answer: Anglerfish
  14. What marine animal is known as the “unicorn of the sea”? Answer: Narwhal
  15. Which ocean creature has a powerful beak to crack open shells? Answer: Octopus

Farm Animals

  1. What is a male chicken called? Answer: Rooster
  2. Which farm animal provides wool? Answer: Sheep
  3. What is a young horse called? Answer: Foal
  4. What farm animal says “oink”? Answer: Pig
  5. Which bird is commonly raised for its eggs? Answer: Chicken
  6. What is a baby cow called? Answer: Calf
  7. Which farm animal is known for its milk production? Answer: Cow
  8. What type of farm animal is a Clydesdale? Answer: Horse
  9. Which animal is often associated with the term “kid”? Answer: Goat
  10. What is the primary use of a donkey on a farm? Answer: Pack Animal
  11. Which farm animal makes a “baa” sound? Answer: Sheep
  12. What is a group of geese called? Answer: Gaggle
  13. Which farm animal roots in the ground for food? Answer: Pig
  14. What is a castrated male horse called? Answer: Gelding
  15. Which animal is traditionally used to guard livestock? Answer: Dog (specifically livestock guardian breeds like Great Pyrenees)

Wildlife Trivia

  1. What animal is known as the “King of the Jungle”? Answer: Lion
  2. Which large bear species is found in the Arctic? Answer: Polar Bear
  3. What is the primary diet of a koala? Answer: Eucalyptus Leaves
  4. Which animal has black and white stripes? Answer: Zebra
  5. What is the largest species of penguin? Answer: Emperor Penguin
  6. Which large cat is known for its ability to swim? Answer: Tiger
  7. What is the fastest bird in the world? Answer: Peregrine Falcon
  8. Which animal builds dams? Answer: Beaver
  9. What is the largest land carnivore? Answer: Polar Bear
  10. Which animal has a trunk? Answer: Elephant
  11. What is the smallest species of monkey? Answer: Pygmy Marmoset
  12. Which mammal has the longest gestation period? Answer: Elephant
  13. Which animal has a pouch to carry its young? Answer: Kangaroo
  14. Which animal is known for its impressive antlers? Answer: Moose
  15. What large bird that can’t fly is native to Australia? Answer: Emu

Funny Nature Trivia Questions

  1. What do you call a bear with no teeth? Answer: A gummy bear!
  2. Why don’t oysters donate to charity? Answer: Because they are shellfish.
  3. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Answer: Frostbite.
  4. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Answer: Because he was outstanding in his field!
  5. How do you organize a space party? Answer: You planet.
  6. What do you call an alligator in a vest? Answer: An investigator.
  7. Why are frogs so happy? Answer: Because they eat whatever bugs them.
  8. What do you call a cow with no legs? Answer: Ground beef.
  9. How do bees get to school? Answer: By school buzz.
  10. What do you get when you cross a fish and an elephant? Answer: Swimming trunks.

Facts About Natural Disasters

  1. What is the most active volcano in the world? Answer: Kilauea in Hawaii
  2. Which type of natural disaster is measured by the Richter scale? Answer: Earthquake
  3. What is the term for a large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption? Answer: Tsunami
  4. Which U.S. state experiences the most tornadoes each year? Answer: Texas
  5. What phenomenon is known as a “twister”? Answer: Tornado
  6. What scale measures hurricane intensity? Answer: Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale
  7. What fault line runs through California, known for its earthquake activity? Answer: San Andreas Fault
  8. Which country experiences the most earthquakes annually? Answer: Japan
  9. What is the primary cause of wildfires? Answer: Human activity (such as unattended campfires, discarded cigarettes)
  10. What is a drought? Answer: A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  11. What natural disaster is a rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground? Answer: Tornado
  12. What is a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside? Answer: Avalanche

7 Wonders of the Natural World

  1. What is the world’s largest coral reef system? Answer: The Great Barrier Reef in Australia
  2. Which natural wonder has impressive waterfalls on the border of Argentina and Brazil? Answer: Iguazu Falls
  3. What famous mountain range includes Mount Everest? Answer: The Himalayas
  4. Which natural wonder is a vast desert in Northern Africa? Answer: The Sahara Desert
  5. What is the world’s largest salt flat, located in Bolivia? Answer: Salar de Uyuni
  6. Which river is the longest in the world? Answer: The Nile River
  7. What massive canyon in the U.S. is known for its stunning size and geological features? Answer: The Grand Canyon
  8. What natural wonder in Canada is known for its breathtaking views and powerful waterfalls? Answer: Niagara Falls
  9. Which South American river is the largest by volume of water discharged? Answer: Amazon River
  10. What is the name of the volcanic mountain that erupted in 1980 in Washington state? Answer: Mount St. Helens
  11. Which European natural wonder is famous for its white chalk cliffs? Answer: The Cliffs of Dover
  12. What natural rock formation in Australia is a sacred site to Indigenous Australians? Answer: Uluru (Ayers Rock)

We hope you enjoyed this journey through the wonders of nature with our trivia questions. For more fun, check out our road trip trivia and California trivia!

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